Worldwide moment on 8-08-08 at 8:08PM GMT, why not.

So if 8 is your lucky number, then I hope you were doing something fun at on 8-08-08 at 8:08PM. I, was celebrating my girlfriend’s grandmothers 87th birthday. (Now how cool would that have been if she was 88. )

With 6 Billion people in the world, you might wonder what they were doing. Well so did Brett Brownell when he created Worldwide moment, a photography project where people can submit their photos from around the world at exactly the same moment. A collection of photos will be displayed on many different websites as well as in a published book later down the road. This intriguing idea got me involved, so here is my photo.

Next up, 9-09-09 at 9:09PM, anyone want to go buy that URL?

Yukiko Yumori - 87
Yukiko Yumori – 87

